LL9: Professional Implications-Adults Responding Poorly to Children
Have you ever wondered why adults mistreat children by responding so poorly the way they do?
Have you ever took the time to really think about why children don't take the time to mind their parents and other adults the way they do? Do we ever take into consideration that maybe it's not so much the way we say and/or do things? it's how we say and/or do it? Do we ever think about the fact that they don't feel respected at all because things have to go either the parent's way or the highway? Well, no matter the age level, whether it's infants, toddlers or adolescents, how we treat children in a poor and a not so loving way is not the answer.
According to Erikson, he has a theory concerning both infants and toddlers in which he breaks it all down to where everything is understood.
First, there's a basic trust vs. mistrust.
Basic Trust v. Mistrust-when dealing with basic trust of an adult or a caregiver who cares about infants and toddlers with this kind of formula:
Sympathetic + loving balance of care=trusting infant
This will depend on the type of quality care received. It will all depend on whether or not the infant trusts the caretaker while the parents and/or guardians are away for an hour working or tending to other business. The question is often asked, "How will I know whether or not my baby is getting the best of care that he/she needs?" Well, here are some pointers in which will help you to know:
-discomforts are quickly removed
-providing basic care
-care is inadequate
Then there's another part of Erikson's Theory of Infants and Toddler Personality:
Autonomy v. Shame and Doubt
Autonomy is basically in reference to independence.
Guilt has two different meanings when dealing with stages 3-5 years of age. One meaning of guilt is when a child is made to feel bad for trying new things and for trying something different. The other meaning of it is when he/she is made to feel like a pest for asking so many of questions.
For that reason, here's the formula for Autonomy v. Shame and Doubt:
Warm Sensitive Parenting + Reasonable Expectations for Impulse Control=Well-Adjusted Toddler
Unsuccessful Conflict=Adjustment Issues
When dealing with this kind of formula, there are a few little things in which the average person should keep in mind. Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt deals with children who are at a year to 3 years of age. Keep also in mind the word we just made mentioned today is Autonomy, which means independence. Usually in the first stages of life for a baby means he or she is taking his/her first steps, pulling on some steps, chairs or other things as well as doing everyday activities, of which is a good thing of which most parents and other people would take in consideration. On the other hand, some parents and other caregivers wouldn't consider these three things a good thing at all whatsoever due to the fact they're being overprotective of the child (afraid that something either bad or dangerous would happen to the infant or toddler) and the person may be concerned about health and safety issues.