LL8: Social Emotional Development 2-Ten individual survey
This is my survey of 10 individuals when I first asked them about their childhood temperaments (inhibited/shy, uninhibited/sociable), childhood parenting style(patient/supportive, insensitive, unresponsive), and adult temperament...
5 individuals of which talked about their childhood temperament said that they were inhibited, but when they first started school, their parents said that their children were so shy to the point the kids didn't want to let go of their parents. The parents couldn't do nothing but be both patient and supportive of them concerning such, but at the same time they rest assured in the kids that they will be back when school was over with.
Their adult temperament was fine because of the fact the parents remembered when they used to be children at one point or another.
Then there's the other five individuals when I asked about their childhood temperaments were the total opposite. They were what you would call uninhibited/sociable while the parents were insensitive and unresponsive when dealing with adult temperament.
The other five individuals were just that. However, when going out in public with parents, they would be sociable to everyone whether it would be strangers, family, or friends. Some would go to school not wanting to let go of the parent when in turn the parent would just drop them off to daycare or school and go straight to work.
The adult temperament was the worst I have ever heard because the parents weren't doing anything but thinking about themselves being on time for work and not docked a minute later.